8:30 AM Corporate Prayer
9:00 AM Sunday School/New Member Classes
10:00 AM Morning Worship (1st Sundays Holy Communion)
7:00 PM Corporate Prayer
7:30 PM Life-Changing Bible Study (for all ages)
7:30 PM Fuel Up Fridays (4th Fridays)
10:00 AM Men’s Fellowship Breakfast
***Baby dedications are held on 2nd Sundays at 10:00 AM
Rooms should be reserved through email 2 weeks in advance. Click here to complete the form. Rooms should be left clean and neat. Trash should be discarded in the dumpster in the back of the building. Random entrance to the building is prohibited.
Updates to personal information are vital in communication. Please update your information by clicking here or email us at redeemedassembly@gmail.com or call the church at 804-230-0974.
We practice an open communication at Redeemed Assembly. If you have an idea that will benefit our congregation or community we want to hear from you. Simply complete the new ideas form located in the member section under New Ideas. Upon completion, administration and or designee will contact you to discuss your brilliant ideas.
If you or someone you know is sick, has been hospitalized, or in need please email the church at redeemedassembly@gmail.com or call 804-230-0974 with as much information as possible. Upon receiving the communication an email will be sent to the congregation (if requested) soliciting prayers. In the case of death, the bereavement committee will be contacted and a representative will contact you.
1st Sunday week (Spencer Garrison/Delmar Branch)
2nd Sunday Week (Will Harris)
3rd Sunday Week (Doug Johnson)
4th Sunday Week (L.A Fletcher)
5th Sunday Week (rotate in order)
For counseling sessions with our pastors or ministerial staff please click here or call Alicia Morris at the church at 804-230-0974
As a member of Redeemed Assembly, we ask that you refrain from tight, short, revealing clothing and that which will not be a distraction to your fellow worshippers. 2nd Sundays are youth Sundays which are dress down. Also, July-August are our dress down months with the exceptions of first Sundays which are our Holy Communion Services.
Ministry Leaders:
Administration E. Denise Wilson, Carmen Garrison, Danielle Branch
Men’s Ministry Atron Thorne
Ladies’ Ministry Lady Sylvia Harris, Danielle Branch
Youth Ministry Tione Thorne
Children’s Ministry Carmen Garrison
Hospitality Denise Doughtie
Greeters & Ushers Lady Sylvia Harris
Worship Arts Delmar Branch
Praise & Worship Team Danielle Branch
Greater Praise Delmar Branch
Dance Team April Fraser
Mime Venetia Sessoms
Sound/Audio Stanley Athey
Ministerial Council Pastor James F. Harris
Prayer Ministry Sheryl Brooks
Care Ministry E. Denise Wilson, Edith & Steve Ramsey, Denise & Dorenzo Moody, Kenyatta
Bereavement Rita Cousins
Armor Bearers Alicia Morris
Please email the church (redeemedassembly@gmail.com) or call 804-230-0974 if you are interested in a Home Bible Study. Please be sure to include Home Bible Study in the subject line.
Lost and found items can be found in the usher’s closet before or after church. Please notify an usher on duty.
Redeemed Assembly has many events and activities happening simultaneously. Unfortunately, church equipment should never leave the church property under any conditions.
Please call Chitwood & Chitwood for contribution statements, discrepancies in statements and/or to obtain your Member Contribution Number (Member #), at (800) 225-5849.
For financial assistance please fill out the initial finance form. Upon completion, the benevolence committee will review your request and contact you to initiate your request. Upon approval, a series of classes will be required to attend and funds are based on availability.
To submit an announcement please click here. Announcements should be submitted by 5:00 p.m. the Monday week prior to the announced event.
• Publicly take the right hand of fellowship
• Attend a short orientation
• Attend New Member Classes which are held on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. and successfully complete the course (graduation will be held on the 4th Sundays as announced)
• Successfully integrate into ministry *PLEASE NOTE: Baptism does not automatically make you a member of Redeemed Assembly. All steps are required for membership.
Credit card fees can become very expensive. We ask that you add an additional 3% (x.03) convenience fee to all credit card and text transactions to cover fees the ministry will incur. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.